The Catholic faith is a wonderful gift from Almighty God. We grow in our love of the faith by making the effort to know it, and by making time for prayer.
Below are some online resources to help you learn more about the faith, whether you're new to it, or seeking to deepen your understanding.
Catholic Answers: - An apologetics site, providing answers to questions about Catholicism with video and audio, weekday radio shows, forums, tracts, magazine and encyclopedia articles, documents, and much more.
Catholics Come Home: - A valuable resource for anyone wanting to discover more about the Catholic Church, whether considering entering or returning to it, or just wishing to grow in faith. Featuring Q&As and testimonials.
Pillars of Catholicism Course: - A free crash course in the fundamentals of the faith. Featuring 13 video lessons, with study notes and quizzes. A good starting point for people new to Christianity and to the Church.
Catechism of the Catholic Church: A comprehensive work, promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1992, which summarises the teachings of the Catholic Church.
The Bible: An searchable Catholic Bible (RSV-CE).
Catholic Pamphlets: - A site containing several hundred pamphlets published over the years by the Catholic Truth Society, each explaining some aspect of the faith or the life of a saint.
EWTN: - A television station presenting round-the-clock Catholic programming, as well as radio broadcasts and articles, all of which can be accessed for free online. EWTN TV is also available on Sky channel 589; see here for more information. Also view this summary of the Church's teachings, organised by topic. See also the section of common Catholic prayers.
Radio Replies: - An apologetics site, with many answers to questions about the faith, based on a twentieth century adio show.
Word on Fire: - Videos, text and mp3 sermons from Fr Robert Barron, updated frequently. Also see his Youtube commentaries.
Exploring YouCat: - A free course based on the Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church (YouCat), geared especially for young people. With video lessons and quizzes.
Magis Centre for Reason & Faith: - Explains the harmony among faith, physics and philosophy. In our times, faith is seen as opposed to reason, but in actuality, 'faith and reason are like two wings on which the human spirit rises to the contemplation of truth.' (Fides et Ratio, John Paul II). The encyclopaedias on this site are particularly detailed.
Catholic Culture: - Provides Catholic news, commentary and many links to study resources.
Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice: - Features dozens of mp3 talks, a section with a simple Catechism and traditional Catholic prayers.