Weekend Masses: Saturday evening at 6:00 pm
and Sunday at 8:30 am, 10:00 am, 12 noon
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Welcome everyone to OLSG parish. Please keep up to date with the events in our Parish through our newsletters.
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Words from Canon Niall ~
A young man who comes running up to Jesus with an eager question: ‘What must I do to inherit eternal life?’ There were admirable things about this man. Mathew and Luke add extra detail to his story. He was eager- ran up to Jesus. He was young and had his whole life before him. He was rich and would have many opportunities. He was a religious man having kept commandments. We would admire this man, and truly Jesus loved him.
Jesus called his attention to God. Jesus loved him. Jesus knew what was standing between him and God, and he encouraged him to remove that and follow him. Jesus gave him a rich promise: ‘an you will have treasure in heaven’. This was a reality check-he had many possessions. There was something preventing him from following Christ-and it wasn’t his knowledge or religious practice-it was his riches. If we were in the young man’s shoes today, what would Jesus tell us to give away? Whatever it is that stands in our way of a relationship with Jesus is not worth losing that connection with Him.
Have a blessed week.
We welcome Fr Shinto Varghese to the presbytery. Fr Shinto will take pastoral care of the Syro-Malabar community.
The parish RCIA Programme (The Rite of Christian initiation for Adults) will commence in the Autumn.
Application forms for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and Holy Communion are available from the Repository in the church porch. Please fill in the form and return to the Repository.
On Wednesday 15th of October 2025 Bishop Alan will come for a pastoral visitation and at the evening Mass administer the Sacrament of Confirmation. A preparation programme will be available in advance of the celebration. Details will be available in the parish newsletter. All candidates must attend Mass every Sunday.
World Mission Sunday is on the 20th October
SATURDAY 12TH OCTOBER 2024 A karaoke night from 6.00 pm – 09:00 pm in St. George's church hall. OLSG first black History Event. A fundraiser in support of Mariam Mission, Sisters of the Poor to run a vehicle for a year and a new Charity to look into the feasibility of Black History becoming part of the UK Education curriculum. See Newsletter with details.
Thresholds of Hope : the Vicariate for Adult Formation - another wonderful tool when proclaiming the good news of God's grace to all. St John Henry Newman believed that the lay faithful were to take a full part in the life of the Church, to be confident in expressing their Catholic Faith and willing to share its beauty with others. Hope you find this resource useful; more here https://thresholdsofhope.co.uk/
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